March 28, 1995 Re: The Big3 for Microsoft Windows Dear Valued Customer: Enclosed please find two files BIG3.EXE and BLIZZARD.WAV. We believe we have identified and corrected the problems some of our customers have experienced. Copy the enclosed file (BIG3.EXE and BLIZZARD.WAV) into the BIG3 sub-directory on your hard drive. If we discover any additional problems, we will automatically upload another update. This is what we fixed: Problems in the retreat function. Defender retreating function. Control array element zero doesn't exist error. Bad file name couldn't close error. Bombers pointer turns to hour glass. German jet aircraft not allowing the user to access Western Europe. New Blizzard sounds. We want to thank you for choosing Alliance Interactive Software and for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience we have caused. If you experience problems now or in the future with any Alliance Interactive Software product we will do our utmost to correct the problem quickly! Please enjoy the game! Sincerely, Jay Littman Producer AOL: DILLUSIONS CSERVE: 73744,521 GEnie: D-ILLUSIONS